2005 ICRP Recommendation

Draft document: 2005 ICRP Recommendation
Submitted by S(Ziggy) Kleinau, Citizens For Renewable Energy
Commenting on behalf of the organisation

On behalf of the over 1,000 members and our Board of Directors we need to register our strong objection to this Commission's recommending a huge increase in the permissible dose of radiation to the public. We feel it is absolutely unconscionable to bow to the wishes of the nuclear industry to make the public carry this increased risk, especially in view of the European Committee's on Radiation Risk findings and recommendations in regard to Low Level Radiation exposure risks!! We want you to rescind this proposed increase to at least to the base level to show your commitment of working to the benefit of the general public! Thank you, S.(Ziggy) Kleinau, Coordinator, Citizens For Renewable Energy(CFRE www.web.ca/~cfre
